Halloween in Secondary!!!
Hello dear readers!
Last weeks in Maristes School we made a new project: Halloween crafts!
This project was frightening and scary, we will explain you what we did:
First of all, we made groups from 3 to 5 people.
Then we thought about some ideas to make. We decided what recycled material we had to bring. From these recycled material, we started to create a spooky sculpture of Halloween: witches, monsters, pumpkins, and also some decoration based on Netflix series! How creative!
Finally, we put all those decoration elements in the reception.
Hapy Halloween!!!
By Marta C, Astrid M, Mario T and Quim V
Hola estimats lectors!
Les setmanes anteriors al Col·legi Maristes vam fer un nou projecte: Halloween Crafts!
Aquest projecte va ser terrorífic, us explicarem què vam fer:
En primer lloc, vam fer grups de 3 a 5 persones.
Després vam pensar en algunes idees a fer. Ens vam repartir el material reciclat que havíem de portar. A partir d'aquests materials reciclats, vam començar a crear una escultura fantasmal de Halloween: bruixes, monstres, carabasses i també una decoració basada en la sèrie Netflix. Quina creativitat!
Finalment, vam posar tots aquests elements de decoració a la recepció.
Feliç Halloween!!
Marta C, Astrid M, Mario T i Quim V
Hello families of Primary and Secondary,
Last weeks 1st of ESO students did different Halloween crafts. We hope that you enjoy the photographs that you can see here.
By Mireia P, Marta P and Joan V.